You sell a variety of products to pool and spa owners as well as to pool & spa contractors. Your retail shop is your source of income and livelihood. There are a variety of risks you are exposed to, and we can help protect your investment. In addition to general liability insurance (which is usually required), there are a number of other options you have to choose from to recover from an unfortunate event. Product liability is extremely important in the event that one of the products you sell is found to be defective and responsible for damages. Even if you are not the manufacturer of said product, the point of sale is usually the first target in a lawsuit. Additionally, workers compensation insurance if you have employees, as workers comp is required by law in nearly every state. Also important, property insurance is a safeguard against fire, theft and vandalism, ensuring that your inventory is restored and your shop is up and running as soon as possible after an accident.
Here are some of our suggested insurance options for retail shops:
Take the time and talk to one of our California Pool Association (CPA) experts today and discuss the different coverages available for your retail shop. There are a lot of options available to keep your business protected while staying within your budget. Take advantage of all the great discounts The California Pool Association (CPA) has to offer its members.