Pool Insurance in California Explained (2024)

Having a pool can turn a backyard into the party hub for family and friends. While a pool is an exciting addition to anyone’s home, it also comes with added responsibility and risks.

Insuring a swimming pool in California requires some considerations, such as the type, size, and value of the pool, the liability risks, and the local regulations. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  • According to the California Building Code, all pools must have a fence or barrier that is at least 4 feet high and has a self-closing and self-latching gate. The fence must also prevent access from the house and the garage to the pool1.
  • Pools are considered attractive nuisances by the insurance industry, which means they increase the liability risk for the homeowner. If someone is injured or drowns in your pool, you could be held responsible for the medical bills, legal fees, and damages2.
  • To protect yourself from liability claims, you should increase your liability coverage on your homeowners insurance policy. The standard amount is usually $100,000, but experts recommend having at least $300,000 to $500,000 for pool owners3.
  • You may also want to consider getting an umbrella policy, which provides additional liability coverage beyond your homeowners policy limits. Umbrella policies typically start at $1 million and can cost as little as $200 to $300 per year.
  • Pools are also covered by the other structures coverage on your homeowners policy, which pays for the repair or replacement of structures that are not attached to your house, such as sheds, fences, and pools. The standard amount is usually 10% of your dwelling coverage, but you may need to increase it if your pool is worth more than that.
  • The cost of insuring a pool varies depending on the type, size, and value of the pool, as well as the amount of coverage you choose. In general, you can expect to pay about $25 to $75 more per month for your homeowners insurance if you have a pool.
  • You should also maintain your pool regularly and follow the safety guidelines to prevent accidents and damage. Some tips include installing alarms, locks, and covers on your pool, keeping children and pets supervised, and using proper chemicals and equipment.

Having the proper insurance for a backyard pool is essential. The root of the issue is this, do your clients need specialty coverage for their swimming pool or is their homeowner’s insurance sufficient?

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Swimming Pools?

The short answer is yes, homeowners’ insurance can cover swimming pools. Not all insurers cover swimming pools, and many require additional steps to minimize risks such as adding a fence or other safety features. The best approach in providing coverage for a swimming pool is for your clients to discuss coverages with their experienced insurance agent.

Do Above Ground Pools Require Coverage?

Insurance companies are looking at the possibility of property damage or injury. This risk exists for both above and in-ground pools. Talking with their agent can help clarify any specific questions they may have about insuring their pool and any stipulations they may need to fall in line with.

Many people decide to add umbrella insurance to add additional coverage beyond what their homeowner’s insurance would payout in the case of damage or an incident. This leads us to another important question: How much insurance is enough insurance?

How Much Insurance Is Enough Insurance?

The true test isn’t whether your clients have insurance for their home that includes coverage for the pool, but if their limits are high enough to protect them in case of an incident. If someone is injured, will their limits be high enough to cover the expenses of the person’s medical treatment, the legal fees that may come from being sued, as well as any compensation that an injured person may be awarded in a civil lawsuit against your client?

If your client is asking how much insurance is enough, the answer is, how much can they afford? Insurance is meant to provide protection from the risks accompany having a pool on their property. The more insurance they carry, the more protection they have from those risks.

A swimming pool might be the center of fun, but having one come with liability. Your clients should be aware of the need to protect their investment and carry essential. With the proper insurance policy, they can protect their property and financial future for the years to come.

  • Pool Enclosures and Safety: California has stringent regulations regarding pool safety. According to the California Building Code, all pools must have a fence or barrier that is at least 4 feet high, with a self-closing and self-latching gate. This helps prevent unauthorized access and reduces liability risks for homeowners. Remember, pools are considered attractive nuisances, so ensuring safety is crucial.