5 Things You Should NOT Do To Your Pool In Winter

Many pool owners prepare to winterize their pools to protect them from the harsh weather conditions. Proper winter maintenance is crucial for ensuring that your pool remains in top condition when warmer weather returns. However, there are certain actions that you should avoid during the winter months to prevent damage and make the reopening process smoother. In this article, we’ll discuss five things you shouldn’t do to your pool during winter.

  1. Neglecting Water Chemistry: One common mistake pool owners make during winter is neglecting water chemistry. Even though the pool is not in use, it’s essential to maintain proper water balance. Improperly balanced water can lead to issues such as corrosion, scale buildup, and the growth of algae. Test your pool water regularly and adjust the chemical levels as needed to ensure that your pool remains in optimal condition throughout the winter.
  2. Turning Off the Pump and Filter Completely: While it’s tempting to shut down the pool pump and filter during winter to save on energy costs, it’s not advisable to turn them off completely. Instead, run the pump and filter for shorter periods, typically a few hours each day, to circulate the water and prevent stagnation. This helps distribute chemicals evenly and prevents the formation of algae and other waterborne contaminants.
  3. Ignoring Pool Cover Maintenance: A pool cover is an essential part of winterizing your pool, as it helps keep debris out and prevents algae growth. However, ignoring the maintenance of your pool cover can lead to problems. Remove leaves, snow, and other debris regularly to prevent excess weight and damage to the cover. Additionally, check for any tears or holes and patch them promptly to ensure the cover remains effective.
  4. Allowing Water Level to Drop Too Low: While it’s crucial not to overfill your pool during winter, allowing the water level to drop too low can have negative consequences. A lower water level can expose the pool’s surface to air, leading to potential damage such as cracking or warping of the pool liner. Maintain the water level within the recommended range to prevent such issues and ensure the longevity of your pool structure.
  5. Adding Chemicals Haphazardly: Some pool owners mistakenly believe that adding a large amount of winterizing chemicals at once is a good idea. However, adding chemicals haphazardly can result in imbalances and even damage to pool surfaces. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for winterizing chemicals and add them gradually. This ensures that the chemicals are distributed evenly and effectively, providing the necessary protection without causing harm to your pool.

Proper winter maintenance is essential for keeping your pool in excellent condition and preventing costly repairs when spring arrives. By avoiding these five common mistakes, you can ensure that your pool remains in top shape throughout the winter months, ready for enjoyment when the warmer weather returns.